
Francesco Fassò
Spectral analysis of a system of pendula hanging from a viscoelastic string and of their synchronization
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Luis C. García-Naranjo
Platonic solids and symmetric solutions of the N-vortex problem on the sphere
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Coffee Break
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Clara Grassi
A dynamical definition of the sphere of influence of the Earth
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Roberto Paoli
Analysis of Solar Radiation Pressure semi-secular resonances
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Edoardo Legnaro
A detailed dynamical model for inclination-only dependent lunisolar resonances. Effect on the "eccentricity growth" mechanism
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Giulio Baù
New results on the initial orbit determination problem
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Marcello Romano
Analytical-numerical method for the Time-Optimal Maneuver of a Spacecraft in Proximity of a Reference Orbit
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Matteo Manzi
The Stochastic Three-body problem: Stochastic Resonances and Diffusion in small-body dynamics
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Pierfrancesco Di Cintio
Multiparticle collision simulations of intermediate mass black holes in globular cluster
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